Florida Joeng from the island of Makasar in Indonesia won the title Miss NT Australia 2011 at the Filipino Club Darwin's Charity Gala Night on 25 June.

Miss NT Australia 2010, Suzanne Daryabor from the Philippines, with her 2011 successor Florida Joeng

 Florida Joeng with her twin sister Florence

 Contestants for the multicultural Beauty Pageant 2011

Photos at the top of the Souvenir Program show are from the very first FCD fundraiser for the poor at Christmas 1990, with girls dressed in Santa suits, and three ladies in red winning the Beauty Pageant, at the centre Liz Concepcion as Miss Filipino Club Darwin.       Bottom photo shows the FCD President and Vice President flanking the Hon Jane Aagaard MLA, Speaker of the NT Parliament, with her husband. Judith Ventic, acting FAANT president and Merly Farlow are on the extreme left and right

Below - Miss NT Australia 2011 with FCD VP Tessie Koblenz, FCD President Lady Fele Mann, and FCD Founder King Roman